Xlinks2 and Dillo with external bookmarks

If Links2 and Dillo feels clumsy with bookmarks, an another option is to use an external bookmarks.


Edit 18.5.2024. Deb-package with instructions.


XLinks2 script:

## RJP 17.5.2024 Xlinks 2 with bookmarks
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/xbookmarks
touch $HOME/.config/xbookmarks/bookmarks.txt
yad --center --width=400 --height=100 --text-align=center --button=OK:1 --title="Start browsing with Xlinks2" --text="Start browsing with Xlinks2"

choose=$(cat $HOME/.config/xbookmarks/bookmarks.txt | \
yad --list --text="Choose bookmark for Xlinks2" --title="Choose bookmark" --height=500 --width=600 --center \
--column="Xlinks2 $Xlinks2")

cat "$choose" 2> /tmp/site.txt
cat /tmp/site.txt | awk '{print $2}' > /tmp/site2
cat /tmp/site2 | sed 's/^.//' > /tmp/site3

sed 's/\.com.*/.com/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site4
sed 's/\.fi.*/.fi/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site5
sed 's/\.co.*/.co/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site6
sed 's/\.net.*/.net/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site7
sed 's/\.org.*/.org/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site8
sed 's/\.me.*/.me/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site9
sed 's/\.info.*/.info/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site10

if [[ $(cat /tmp/site4) =~ "com" ]] ; then

xlinks2 $(cat /tmp/site4)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site5) =~ "fi" ]] ; then
xlinks2 $(cat /tmp/site5)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site6) =~ "co" ]] ; then
xlinks2 $(cat /tmp/site6)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site7) =~ "net" ]] ; then
xlinks2 $(cat /tmp/site7)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site8) =~ "org" ]] ; then
xlinks2 $(cat /tmp/site8)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site9) =~ "me" ]] ; then
xlinks2 $(cat /tmp/site9)

xlinks2 $(cat /tmp/site10)


Dillo plus deb and rpm packages: Dillo-plus-deb-and-rpm-packages.zip

Dillo script:

## RJP 17.5.2024 Dillo with external bookmarks
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/xbookmarks
touch $HOME/.config/xbookmarks/bookmarks.txt
yad --center --width=400 --height=100 --text-align=center --button=OK:1 --title="Start browsing with dillo" --text="Start browsing with dillo"

choose=$(cat $HOME/.config/xbookmarks/bookmarks.txt | \
yad --list --text="Choose bookmark for dillo" --title="Choose bookmark" --height=500 --width=600 --center \
--column="dillo $dillo")

cat "$choose" 2> /tmp/site.txt
cat /tmp/site.txt | awk '{print $2}' > /tmp/site2
cat /tmp/site2 | sed 's/^.//' > /tmp/site3

sed 's/\.com.*/.com/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site4
sed 's/\.fi.*/.fi/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site5
sed 's/\.co.*/.co/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site6
sed 's/\.net.*/.net/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site7
sed 's/\.org.*/.org/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site8
sed 's/\.me.*/.me/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site9
sed 's/\.info.*/.info/' /tmp/site3 > /tmp/site10

if [[ $(cat /tmp/site4) =~ "com" ]] ; then

dillo $(cat /tmp/site4)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site5) =~ "fi" ]] ; then
dillo $(cat /tmp/site5)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site6) =~ "co" ]] ; then
dillo $(cat /tmp/site6)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site7) =~ "net" ]] ; then
dillo $(cat /tmp/site7)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site8) =~ "org" ]] ; then
dillo $(cat /tmp/site8)

elif [[ $(cat /tmp/site9) =~ "me" ]] ; then
dillo $(cat /tmp/site9)

dillo $(cat /tmp/site10)