Very simple audio recorder

There are many audio recorders, but you can make your own version like the next example. Install packages xterm, zenity and sox. To choose input device run command arecord -l and if you want set some else than default for the input device like hw:0,0 is microphone in this computer.

apt install xterm zenity sox

Then make a script ( like

## to choose input device run arecord -l and if you want set some else than default for the input device like hw:0,0 is microphone in this computer

zenity --question --text "Recording audio and stop recording pressing CTRL+c"
if [ $? = 0 ];
xterm -e 'sox -t alsa default Recording.wav' && zenity --info --text "Recording is ready"
else exit 0

Make the script executable

chmod +x

Which works like

Script with time stamp:


zenity --question --text "Recording audio and stop recording pressing CTRL+c"
if [ $? = 0 ];
xterm -e 'sox -t alsa default $(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M)-Recording.wav' && zenity --info --text "Recording is ready"
else exit 0

The script for recording is here