There are many audio recorders, but you can make your own version like the next example. Install packages xterm, zenity and sox. To choose input device run command arecord -l
and if you want set some else than default for the input device like hw:0,0
is microphone in this computer.
apt install xterm zenity sox
Then make a script ( like
## to choose input device run arecord -l and if you want set some else than default for the input device like hw:0,0 is microphone in this computer
zenity --question --text "Recording audio and stop recording pressing CTRL+c"
if [ $? = 0 ];
xterm -e 'sox -t alsa default Recording.wav' && zenity --info --text "Recording is ready"
else exit 0
Make the script executable
chmod +x
Which works like
Script with time stamp:
zenity --question --text "Recording audio and stop recording pressing CTRL+c"
if [ $? = 0 ];
xterm -e 'sox -t alsa default $(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M)-Recording.wav' && zenity --info --text "Recording is ready"
else exit 0
The script for recording is here