Read also:
The same scripts, but made deb and rpm packages, Rpm packages are made using Alien from deb packages.
RPM-packages with dependecies, made using RPMCreator
If you install packages, refresh menus after installation using command
sudo desktop-menu --write-out-global
app-select finds web-app-launchers when search web-section.
Web apps are working at least in Whereby meeting, Skype conference meeting, Teams meetings, Livestorm meeting and probably with Zoom meeting also.
Launchers in Mageia Xfce
PS. Alien made packages does not install dependecies as browser, so it need to install too.
Running web-app-launcher examples
TEAMS meeting login window
Livestorm meeting
Skype conference login windows
Whereby login window
GoToMeeting login window
Web-app-launcher can launch YouTube video without full browser feature when you know the video address. It works much lighter than compairing with full browser mode.