Desktop link maker for Desktop

It is obvious that all antiX -users do not know how to make a symbolic link from an application to Desktop, so one way is to use a script (which works somehow). In rox-icewm, links are easier to make – just drag and drop using rox-filer filemanager.

Edit 12.5.2023:

More simple and versatile desktop link maker.


The same, but ready deb-package



yad --width=500 --center --buttons-layout=center --borders=5 --text-align=center --title="INFO" --text="Select file for making a link to your Desktop" --button=gtk-ok:1 --center
FILE=`cd /usr/share/applications && yad --file --width=1000`
if [ $? = 0 ];
ln -s $FILE "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)"
sleep 1
yad --center --borders=5 --width=400 --text-align=center --button=gtk-ok:1 --title='Link is in your Desktop' --buttons-layout=center
else exit 0


Edit 9.5.2023: Desktop link in zzzFM filemanager is much easier to make via app-select script.


If using operating system like PCLinuxOS, then packages yad and xterm must be installed for Desktop-link-maker-PC

yad --title="INFO" \

Using this script you can search available program links for
making a symbolic link to your desktop.

At first you see avilable options an then write to the box
applications name only without .desktop entry, or path.

An example:
geany" \
find /usr/share/applications/antix /usr/share/applications -iname "*desktop" -type f | yad --list --title "Search Results" --width=1000 --height=1000 --text "Listing desktop files.." --column "found desktop files"
DLINK=`yad --center --width=500 --height=100 --text-align=center --text="LINK TO YOUR DESKTOP" --entry --entry-label=NAME --entry-text=""`
if [ $? = 0 ];
x-terminal-emulator -e /bin/bash -c "ln -s /usr/share/applications/$DLINK.desktop "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)"" | x-terminal-emulator -e /bin/bash -c "ln -s /usr/share/applications/antix/$DLINK.desktop "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)"" \
sleep 1
yad --center --borders=5 --width=400 --text-align=center --button=gtk-ok:1 --title='Link is in your Desktop' --buttons-layout=center
else exit 0